A single parent from Uppal, Hyderabad Sunitha narrates her story when she along with her daughter, and son tested positive for COVID-19. The doctors suggested isolation and being residing in a single room house, sunitha was clueless how to take care of herself and her children. Their neighbours suggested Seva Baharathi isolation center, through the helpline number they got admitted in Seva Bharathi’s isolation center. The doctors in the isolation center monitored every hour and nurses took care like a family and provided nutritional food within the time.
Teary-eyed Sunitha stated she did not receive any support from her own family members but whereas she was elated for choosing to get admitted in Seva Bharathi’s isolation center and all the support and care she has received on her way to recovery. Sunitha has proved that along with medical support, mental wellness is the key to recover from COVID. She has her gratitude towards Seva Bharathi for providing esteemed care and support to her and her family and selfless service so many alike her are getting during this outbreak.
Family Love In
Institutional Care
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